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1 Result for Real estate in the province of reggio di calabria in the category workshops at the court of palmi including past auctions
1 Result for Real estate in the province of reggio di calabria in the category workshops at the court of palmi including past auctions
Court of PalmiAuction date : 15/01/2025 - 11:00C.e.j. 46/2011: Lot 6
Court of PalmiAuction date : 15/01/2025 - 11:00C.e.j. 46/2011: Lot 6
Base price : 79,075.50 €
Minimum bid : 59.306,63 €
Base price : 79,075.50 €
Minimum bid : 59.306,63 €
15/01/2025 - 11:00
79,075.50 €