
Tribunale di Gorizia

Via Nazario Sauro, 1 – 34170 Gorizia (GO)
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1 Result for  Real estate in estero in the category commercial real estate at the court of gorizia at auction in the next 30 days including past auctions

Publication Date: Latest First

1 Result for  Real estate in estero in the category commercial real estate at the court of gorizia at auction in the next 30 days including past auctions

Buildings constructed for commercial purposes

Comune Brod (bih)


  • Court of Gorizia
  • Auction date : 10/10/2024 - 12:00
  • N.a.c. 2/2012:Lot Unico
  • Court of Gorizia
  • Auction date : 10/10/2024 - 12:00
  • N.a.c. 2/2012:Lot Unico

Base price :

180,000.00 €

Minimum bid :


Base price :

180,000.00 €

Minimum bid :


10/10/2024 - 12:00

180,000.00 €