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Tribunale di Bolzano
Piazza Tribunale, 1 – 39100 Bolzano (BZ)
tribunale.bolzano@giustizia.itCourt website
1 Result for Real estate in the category residential real estate at the court of bolzano - bozen at auction in the next 30 days including past auctions
1 Result for Real estate in the category residential real estate at the court of bolzano - bozen at auction in the next 30 days including past auctions
- Court of Bolzano - Bozen
- Auction date : 10/01/2025 - 09:00
- E.c.c. 81/2023:Lotto unico
- Court of Bolzano - Bozen
- Auction date : 10/01/2025 - 09:00
- E.c.c. 81/2023:Lotto unico
Base price :
225,000.00 €
Minimum bid :
168.750,00 €
Base price :
225,000.00 €
Minimum bid :
168.750,00 €
10/01/2025 - 09:00
225,000.00 €