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Info per richiesta servizi - Forli
This form must be completed in its entirety and may be submitted by e-mail to: procedure.forli@astalegale.net or by fax to 039 - 330.98.96, together with a copy of the court order or notice of sale, a copy of the appraisal and any attachments (photos, floor plans, etc.).
Modulo richiesta servizi CONCORSUALI (.DOCX)
Modulo richiesta servizi CONCORSUALI (.PDF)
Modulo richiesta servizi ESECUZIONI (.DOCX)
Modulo richiesta servizi ESECUZIONI (.PDF)
We inform you that the Italian Privacy Guarantor, in a measure published in Official Gazette No. 47 of February 25, 2008, ruled that "judicial officials and professionals delegated to the operations of sale of auctioned properties should not indicate in the published documents, including online, the name of the debtor and any other personal data that can directly identify them. A similar level of protection must also be afforded to any third parties who appear in the documents, except for cases in which it is required by law. However, the Office of the Court Clerk may satisfy the interests of those who intend to acquire the assets by providing them with information about the debtor and any additional information."1 By way of example only, it should be noted that the data relating to the enforced debtor should not appear in the court order, notice of sale or appraisal; the professional should also take care to delete data and/or references to third parties in the appraisals or floor plans and obscure images of third parties in photographs.
For all further information, please consult the full text of the provision, also available online at http://www.garanteprivacy.it/garante/doc.jsp?ID=1490838
1 Press release of the Privacy Guarantor dated February 26, 2008