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Minisite and Data Room
On the basis of its consolidated professional experience in the field of publicity and sales support services, Astalegale.net is enhancing the quality of its marketing channels through ad hoc solutions dedicated to both bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy proceedings.
- a web page entirely dedicated to the particular judicial proceeding; accompanied by photos, documentation and detailed description of the asset up for auction.
With the help of eye-catching graphics, photographs depicting the property in its entirety and in detail, and simple and direct text, it is able to capture the attention of potential buyers, including those located overseas. Virtual tours can be created upon request.
The Minisite can be combined with a Data Room.
Data Room:
- helps publicize the sale of a company subject to judicial proceedings
- provides third parties and procedural bodies with private access to view and manage documentation
- reaches a greater number of potentially interested parties who are able to submit a bid
A Data Room is a website dedicated to the judicial proceedings: only those interested in the purchase, approved by the professional, will receive credentials to access a private area where they are able to consult confidential documentation. The management of documentation and access to the Data Room are under the direct control of the person responsible for the procedure, who will thus have a well-structured area at their disposal for the direct exchange of information with potential buyers.
Invito ad offrire per acquisto di azienda industriale, ubicata in centro Italia, attiva nella produzione e commercializzazione di verdure sottolio, di sughi e pesto confezionati in vasi di vetro ed in vaschette, con una rilevante componente di esportazioni, proprietaria di un impianto industriale, ubicato su un'area di oltre 3 ettari.
Call&Call Holding SpA con sede legale in Cinisello Balsamo (Ml) Raccolta Offerte, con procedura competitiva ex art 163 bis LF, a mezzo di asta analogica senza incanto, escludendo la possibilità di formulare l’offerta minima di cui all’art. 572 co 3 cpc, per l’individuazione del miglior offerente per l’acquisto del ramo di azienda Call&Call Holding SpA avente ad oggetto "attività di contact center e BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)".
Si rende noto che con decreto dd. 8.4.2020 il Presidente del Tribunale di Gorizia ha autorizzato la liquidazione dei beni immobili ed mobili in blocco dell’Ente Fondazione, che verrà eseguita secondo i principi generali dell’art. 107 l.f. mediante procedimento partecipativo e competitivo.