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Data on Points of Interest
The data used to calculate distances to Points of Interest come from the OpenStreetMap database, which is distributed under the ODBL license, ensuring that the reuse of the data it contains is allowed under the open data model.
OpenStreetMap is a geographic database created collaboratively by users, containing an extensive list of Points of Interest.
The license chosen by OpenStreetMap allows free access to all underlying map data. The project aims to promote new and interesting uses of this data.
How can such a project create accurate maps?
By the very nature of the wiki-style process, there is no guarantee of accuracy, but that is also true for proprietary maps released by businesses, because the world is constantly changing and it is not possible to reduce it to a single static view.
The essence of a wiki-style process lies in the fact that all the users have an interest in having accurate data at their disposal. If one person enters inaccurate data, either voluntarily or accidentally, and the other 99.9 percent of people can easily verify and correct it, this vast well-intentioned majority is able to overcome the very few cases of incorrect data. The participants are able to automatically correct the few bad apples. The Wikipedia project has shown that it is possible to collect a large amount of good quality data.
For more information, please refer to the OpenStreetMap Foundation's copyright page and the website of the Italian group, OpenStreetMap Italia.
We do not assume responsibility for incorrect or missing data.