2 Results for  Real estate assets in the municipality of gazzola in the category residential real estate

Publication Date: Latest First

2 Results for  Real estate assets in the municipality of gazzola in the category residential real estate


Residential home

Localita' Momeliano, Via Delle Pieve 5


  • Court of Piacenza
  • Auction date : 19/11/2024 - 14:30
  • C.e.j. 2/2023:Lot 1
  • Court of Piacenza
  • Auction date : 19/11/2024 - 14:30
  • C.e.j. 2/2023:Lot 1

Base price :

110,000.00 €

Minimum bid :

82.500,00 €

Base price :

110,000.00 €

Minimum bid :

82.500,00 €

19/11/2024 - 14:30

110,000.00 €


Residential home

Vicolo Della Pieve, 29010 Tuna Pc, Italia


  • Court of Piacenza
  • Auction date : 03/10/2024 - 15:40
  • C.e.j. 127/2022:Lot 1
  • Court of Piacenza
  • Auction date : 03/10/2024 - 15:40
  • C.e.j. 127/2022:Lot 1

Base price :

289,000.00 €

Minimum bid :

216.750,00 €

Base price :

289,000.00 €

Minimum bid :

216.750,00 €

03/10/2024 - 15:40

289,000.00 €