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Via Roma Verso Scampia 30 80144 Napoli NA Italia, 80144 Napoli NA
68,000.00 €
- Category : Commercial Real Estate
- Number : 570/2023
- Court : Tribunale di NAPOLI
- Lot : 1
- Auction date : 27/05/2025 16:00
Via Roma Verso Scampia 30 80144 Napoli NA Italia
Napoli (NA)
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Garage or vehicle storage
68.000,00 €
Napoli (NA) Tribunale Di Napoli Esecuzioni Civili Immobiliari 570/2023 Lot 1 Auction date : 5/27/2025 4:00 PM
Auction code : B2333188
Locale terraneo ad uso autorimessa sito in Napoli (NA) alla Traversa 1ᵃ Roma Verso Scampia (catastalmente via Cupa Aeranova dell’Arco) nn. 12 e n. 14, composto da un unico ambiente con all’interno due bagni ed un deposito.
Sales data
Typology :Sealed bid
Auction date :
27/05/2025 16:00
Price :68,000.00 €
Minimum bid :51.000,00(1)51.000,00
Minimum increase :2.000,00 €2.000,00
Bid submission deadline :26/05/2025 23:59
Auction means :Asynchronous
Auction start :
27/05/2025 16:00
Auction deadline :
29/05/2025 11:00
Registration deadline:
26/05/2025 23:59
Address :N.A.
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) : 570/2023
Court : Tribunale di NAPOLI
Published on Astalegale websites : 10/02/2025(2)
Published on the Public Sales Portal : 11/02/2025(3)
Custode:Stefano Vitale (tel. 08118088520) (cell. 3389878810) - stefanovitale@studiolegalevitale.net
Custode4891964VTLSFN69B03E131LfalsetrueVitale - Stefano - 08118088520 - 3389878810 - stefanovitale@studiolegalevitale.net
Delegato alla vendita:Stefano Vitale (tel. 08118088520) (cell. 3389878810) - stefanovitale@studiolegalevitale.net
Delegato alla vendita4891965VTLSFN69B03E131LtruefalseVitale - Stefano - 08118088520 - 3389878810 - stefanovitale@studiolegalevitale.net
Lot data
Lot :1
Typology :Garage or vehicle storage
Category :Commercial Real Estate
IMMOBILE COMMERCIALEIMMOBILIAddress :Via Roma Verso Scampia, 30, 80144 Napoli NA, Italia - 80144 - Napoli(NA) - Italia
CampaniaNapoliVia Roma Verso Scampia, 30, 80144 Napoli NA, Italia - 80144 - Napoli - NA - Italia
Category :Commercial Real Estate
Typology :Garage or vehicle storage
Surface area:103
Rooms :1.0
Plan :T
Address :Via Roma Verso Scampia, 80144 Napoli NA, Italia - 80144 - Napoli(NA) - Italia
CampaniaNapoliVia Roma Verso Scampia, 80144 Napoli NA, Italia - 80144 - Napoli - NA - Italia
Description :Locale terraneo ad uso autorimessa sito in Napoli (NA) alla Traversa 1ᵃ Roma Verso Scampia (catastalmente via Cupa Aeranova dell’Arco) nn. 12 e n. 14, composto da un unico ambiente con all’interno due bagni ed un deposito.
- sezione: SCA foglio: 4 particella: 327 subalterno: 2
Section :SCA
Sheet :4
Parcel :327
Sub-plot :2
Personal notes
(1) Minimum bid for participation in the sale pursuant to Section 571(II) of the Code of Civil Procedure
(2) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction
(3) In compliance with the Ministerial Decree 5.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette. on 10.01.2018, and the subsequent publication of the technical specifications in the Official Gazette. N.16 of 20-1-2018 - full functionality of the public sales portal services
Electronic auction assistance
Opening hours: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00
Telephone :02 800 300 11
Number of views : 248
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