Viale Costa Smeralda, 40 07021 Arzachena SS

70,000.00 €

  • Category : Residential Real Estate
  • Number : 79/2019
  • Court : Tempio Pausania
  • Lot : 8
  • Auction date : -

Viale Costa Smeralda,40

Arzachena (SS)

Residential home

70.000,00 €

Arzachena (SS) Tempio Pausania 79/2019 Lot 8 Auction date : -
Outcome : SuspendedAuction code : B2328806


IMMOBILE SITO IN COMUNE DI ARZACHENA identificato al Catasto Fabbricati Foglio 41 particella 3305 Sub 12 SITO IN Viale Costa Smeralda N. 40 con le seguenti caratteristiche catastali: Categoria a/10 classe 3 rendita catastale 828.91 meglio identificato nella relazione di stima e relativi allegati a firma dell’esperto stimatore

Sales data

Typology :Sealed bid
Auction date :
Price :70,000.00 €
Minimum bid :52.500,00 €(1)
Minimum increase :2,000.00 €
Bid submission deadline :03/03/2025 23:59
Auction means :Asynchronous
Auction start :
04/03/2025 14:30
Auction deadline :
05/03/2025 14:30
Deposit :
10 %
Outcome :
Registration deadline:
03/03/2025 23:59

Procedure data

Procedure (number/year) : 79/2019
Tribunale: Tempio Pausania
Typology : Civil executions of judgement
Published on Astalegale websites : 13/01/2025(2)
Giudice:Dott.ssa Antonia Palombella
Professionista Delegato alla vendita:Avv. Alessandra Cocco (tel. 3484989850) -
Custode:IVG TEMPIO PAUSANIA (tel. 079630505)

Lot data

Lot :8
Typology :Residential home
Category :Residential Real Estate
Address :Viale Costa Smeralda40 - 07021 - Arzachena(SS)


Category :Residential Real Estate
Typology :Residential home
Address :Viale Costa Smeralda40 - 07021 - Arzachena(SS)
Description :IMMOBILE SITO IN COMUNE DI ARZACHENA identificato al Catasto Fabbricati Foglio 41 particella 3305 Sub 12 SITO IN Viale Costa Smeralda N. 40 con le seguenti caratteristiche catastali: Categoria a/10 classe 3 rendita catastale 828.91 meglio identificato nella relazione di stima e relativi allegati a firma dell’esperto stimatore

Personal notes

(1)  Minimum bid for participation in the sale pursuant to Section 571(II) of the Code of Civil Procedure
(2) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction

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* Services not available for sales ordered by the Court of Monza and District of Naples

Electronic auction assistance

Opening hours: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00
Telephone :02 800 300 11
Number of views : 484

Residential home

70.000,00 €

Arzachena (SS) Tempio Pausania 79/2019 Lot 8 Auction date : -
Outcome : SuspendedAuction code : B2328806

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* Services not available for sales ordered by the Court of Monza and District of Naples

Electronic auction assistance

Opening hours: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00
Telephone :02 800 300 11
Number of views : 484