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Località San Nicola, 89034 Bovalino RC
2,222,131.00 €
- Category : Residential Real Estate
- Number : 11/2016
- Court : Tribunale di LOCRI
- Lot : 4
- Auction date : 23/05/2025 09:00
Località San Nicola
Bovalino (RC)
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Unità immobiliari (sub - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 cat D/8 -14 cat D/8 - 15 cat C/1 -16 cat D/8 -17 -18 - 19 - 20 - 21 cat C/1 - 22 cat A/10 - 23 cat A/10 - 24 cat A/10 - 25 cat A/10 - 26 - 27 cat D/8 - 28 cat A/10 - 29 cat A/10 - 30 cat A/10 - 31 cat A/10 - 32 cat C/3 - 33 - 34 - 35 cat A/10 - 36 cat A/10 - 37 cat A/10 - 38 - 39 cat A/10 - 40 cat A/10). L'immobile è locato.
Lot data
Lot 4
Typology Building
Category Residential Real Estate
Type Immobili
Ministerial Category Immobile industrialeIMMOBILE INDUSTRIALEIMMOBILI
Ministerial Category Immobili
Appraised value 3.317.000,00 €
Valuation date 20/09/2017
Address Località San Nicola - 89034 - Bovalino(RC) - Italia
CalabriaBovalinoLocalità San Nicola - 89034 - Bovalino - RC - Italia
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Auction date
23/05/2025 09:00
Price 2,222,131.00 €
Minimum bid 1.666.598,001.666.598,00
Minimum increase 66.663,93 €66.663,93
Bid submission deadline 22/05/2025 12:00
Auction means Other mode
Registration deadline
22/05/2025 12:00
Address Tribunale di Locri - Piazza Don Bosco - 89044 - Locri(RC) - Italia
CalabriaLocriTribunale di Locri - Piazza Don Bosco - 89044 - Locri - RC - Italia
Category Residential Real Estate
Typology Building
Ministerial Category Immobile residenzialeIMMOBILE RESIDENZIALE
Ministerial Type FabbricatoFABBRICATO
Occupation status OCCUP
Address Località San Nicola - 89034 - Bovalino(RC) - Italia
CalabriaBovalinoLocalità San Nicola - 89034 - Bovalino - RC - Italia
Description Unità immobiliari (sub - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 cat D/8 -14 cat D/8 - 15 cat C/1 -16 cat D/8 -17 -18 - 19 - 20 - 21 cat C/1 - 22 cat A/10 - 23 cat A/10 - 24 cat A/10 - 25 cat A/10 - 26 - 27 cat D/8 - 28 cat A/10 - 29 cat A/10 - 30 cat A/10 - 31 cat A/10 - 32 cat C/3 - 33 - 34 - 35 cat A/10 - 36 cat A/10 - 37 cat A/10 - 38 - 39 cat A/10 - 40 cat A/10). L'immobile è locato.
- foglio: 23 particella: 804 subalterno: cfr avviso
Cadastral data
Sheet 23
Parcel 804
Sub-plot cfr avviso
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 11/2016
Court Tribunale di LOCRI
Number of views 154
Published on Astalegale websites 14/01/2025(1)
Published on the Public Sales Portal 16/01/2025(2)
CuratoreGiuseppe Iurato (tel. 0964629420) - iuratogiuseppe@libero.it
Curatore4871630RTIGPP60B24G905GfalsetrueIurato - Giuseppe - 0964629420 - iuratogiuseppe@libero.it
GiudiceMartina Castaldo
Giudice4871631CSTMTN88T60F839QtruefalseCastaldo - Martina
(1) For insolvency procedures, publication must take place at least 30 days before the start of the competitive procedure - Art. 107 of the Bankruptcy Law
(2) In compliance with the Ministerial Decree 5.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette. on 10.01.2018, and the subsequent publication of the technical specifications in the Official Gazette. N.16 of 20-1-2018 - full functionality of the public sales portal services
Personal notes
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