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Via ARENAZZE, 42 66100 Chieti CH
94,725.00 €
- Category : Residential Real Estate
- Number : 32/2024
- Court : Chieti
- Lot : 4
- Auction date : 11/03/2025 09:30
Chieti (CH)
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LOTTO 4 (in perizia lotti 11, 23, 34, 38)
APPARTAMENTO in Condominio "Dream's Hill", piani 3° e 4° (DUPLEX), int. 16, "in corso di costruzione". Locale GARAGE/RIMESSA, piano seminterrato, int. G 8, netti mq 22; Locale CANTINA; POSTO AUTO SCOPERTO piano terra, int. 8, di mq 12
Lot data
Lot 4
Typology Residential home
Category Residential Real Estate
Type Immobili
Appraised value 126.300,00 €
Valuation date 20/05/2024
Address Via ARENAZZE42 - 66100 - Chieti (CH)
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Opening of bids
11/03/2025 09:30
Auction date
11/03/2025 09:30
Price 94,725.00 €
Minimum bid 71.044,00 € (1)
Minimum increase 2,500.00 €2,500.00 €
Bid submission deadline 10/03/2025 12:00
Auction means Asynchronous
Auction start
11/03/2025 09:30
Auction deadline
14/03/2025 09:30
Auto Extension Period
5 Minutes
10 %
Registration deadline
10/03/2025 12:00
Category Residential Real Estate
Typology Residential home
Occupation status Libero
Occupation status In costruzione da finire
Address Via ARENAZZE42 - 66100 - Chieti (CH)
Description LOTTO 4 (in perizia lotti 11, 23, 34, 38)
APPARTAMENTO in Condominio "Dream's Hill", piani 3° e 4° (DUPLEX), int. 16, "in corso di costruzione". Locale GARAGE/RIMESSA, piano seminterrato, int. G 8, netti mq 22; Locale CANTINA; POSTO AUTO SCOPERTO piano terra, int. 8, di mq 12
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 32/2024
Typology Civil executions of judgement
Number of views 70
Published on Astalegale websites 19/12/2024(1)
GiudiceDott. Francesco Turco
Professionista Delegato alla venditaAvv. Antonio Luciani (tel. 085817149) - avvocatilucianidemerolis@virgilio.it
Professionista Delegato alla vendita0falsefalse
CustodeAvv. Antonio Luciani (tel. 085817149)
(1) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction