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Contrada Mandrazze, snc 98040 Roccavaldina ME
53,020.00 €
- Category : Other
- Number : 5/2013
- Court : Barcellona P.G.
- Lot : 1
- Auction date : 20/03/2025 11:00
Contrada Mandrazze,snc
Roccavaldina (ME)
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Terreno e rudere
Lot data
Lot 1
Typology Land
Category Other
Type Immobili
Appraised value 53.020,00 €
Address Contrada Mandrazzesnc - 98040 - Roccavaldina (ME)
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Opening of bids
20/03/2025 11:00
Auction date
20/03/2025 11:00
Price 53,020.00 €
Minimum bid 53.020,00 €
Minimum increase 1,000.00 €1,000.00 €
Bid submission deadline 18/03/2025 12:00
Auction means Synchronous
10 %
Registration deadline
18/03/2025 12:00
Category Other
Typology Land
Occupation status Libero
Surface area12540 sqm
Address Contrada Mandrazzesnc - 98040 - Roccavaldina (ME)
Description Terreno e rudere
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 5/2013
TribunaleBarcellona P.G.
Typology Insolvency proceedings / new arrangement with creditors
384210Barcellona P.G.
Number of views 240
Published on Astalegale websites 04/12/2024(1)
GiudiceDott. Giudice Delegato.
Professionista Delegato alla venditaDott. Giuseppe Foti - dottg.foti@gmail.com
Professionista Delegato alla vendita0falsefalse
LiquidatoreDott. Giuseppe Foti (tel. 0909282882)
(1) For insolvency procedures, publication must take place at least 30 days before the start of the competitive procedure - Art. 107 of the Bankruptcy Law