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via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b 38c 38d e 38e, 80139 Napoli NA
191,250.00 €
- Category : Commercial Real Estate
- Number : 43/2022
- Court : Tribunale di NAPOLI
- Lot : Lotto unico
- Auction date : 04/02/2025 16:00
via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b 38c 38d e 38e
Napoli (NA)
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Buildings constructed for commercial purposes
191.250,00 €
Napoli (NA) Tribunale Di Napoli Esecuzioni Civili Immobiliari 43/2022 Lotto unico Auction date : 2/4/2025 4:00 PM
Auction code : B2319488
Piena ed intera proprietà del locale terraneo con sottostante cantinato sito in Napoli (NA) alla via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e.
Sales data
Typology :Sealed bid
Auction date :
04/02/2025 16:00
Price :191,250.00 €
Minimum bid :143.437,50(1)143.437,50
Minimum increase :5.000,00 €5.000,00
Bid submission deadline :03/02/2025 23:59
Auction means :Asynchronous
Auction start :
04/02/2025 16:00
Auction deadline :
06/02/2025 11:00
Registration deadline:
03/02/2025 23:59
Address :N.A.
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) : 43/2022
Court : Tribunale di NAPOLI
Published on Astalegale websites : 21/11/2024(2)
Published on the Public Sales Portal : 12/11/2024(3)
Delegato alla vendita:Monica Macerola (tel. 0815581712) (cell. 3331140991) - monicamacerola@gmail.com
Delegato alla vendita4791164MCRMNC75E51C495BtruefalseMacerola - Monica - 0815581712 - 3331140991 - monicamacerola@gmail.com
Giudice:Federica D'auria
Giudice4791166falsefalseD'auria - Federica
Custode:Monica Macerola (tel. 0815581712) (cell. 3331140991) - monicamacerola@gmail.com
Custode4791165MCRMNC75E51C495BfalsetrueMacerola - Monica - 0815581712 - 3331140991 - monicamacerola@gmail.com
Lot data
Typology :Buildings constructed for commercial purposes
Category :Commercial Real Estate
IMMOBILE COMMERCIALEIMMOBILIAddress :via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e - 80139 - Napoli(NA) - Italia
CampaniaNapolivia San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e - 80139 - Napoli - NA - Italia
Category :Commercial Real Estate
Typology :Shops, boutiques
Surface area:211
Address :via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e - 80139 - Napoli(NA) - Italia
CampaniaNapolivia San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e - 80139 - Napoli - NA - Italia
Description :Piena ed intera proprietà del locale terraneo con sottostante cantinato sito in Napoli (NA) alla via San Francesco de Geronimo civico 2 – 2b e 2c - vico Lungo Sant’Antonio Abate civico 38b, 38c 38d e 38e. Il locale cantinato versa in totale stato di abbandono e si presenta in cattive condizioni conservative.
- sezione: VIC foglio: 10 particella: 114 subalterno: 20
Section :VIC
Sheet :10
Parcel :114
Sub-plot :20
Personal notes
(1) Minimum bid for participation in the sale pursuant to Section 571(II) of the Code of Civil Procedure
(2) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction
(3) In compliance with the Ministerial Decree 5.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette. on 10.01.2018, and the subsequent publication of the technical specifications in the Official Gazette. N.16 of 20-1-2018 - full functionality of the public sales portal services
Electronic auction assistance
Opening hours: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00
Telephone :02 800 300 11
Auction history
- 18/06/2024 16:00255.000,00 €
- 04/02/2025 16:00191.250,00 €
Number of views : 258
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