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Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, 66050 San Salvo CH
17,410.50 €
- Category : Commercial Real Estate
- Number : 497/2015
- Court : Vasto
- Lot : 6
- Bid submission deadline : 06/12/2024 18:00
Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII
San Salvo (CH)
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f) Proprietà ½ ufficio P.zza Papa Giovanni XXIII, valore Euro 17.410,50;
Lot data
Lot 6
Typology Office
Category Commercial Real Estate
Type Immobili
Appraised value 17.410,50 €
Address Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII - 66050 - San Salvo (CH)
San Salvo
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Bid submission deadline
06/12/2024 18:00
Price 17,410.50 €
Auction means
Results pending
Category Commercial Real Estate
Typology Office
Share quota di 1/2
Surface area5750 sqm
Address Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII - 66050 - San Salvo (CH)
San Salvo
Description f) Proprietà ½ ufficio P.zza Papa Giovanni XXIII, valore Euro 17.410,50;
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 497/2015
Typology Out-of-court settlement / out-of-court settlement
Number of views 679
Published on Astalegale websites 04/11/2024(1)
Giudice tutelareDott Franca Malatesta
Giudice tutelare0falsefalse
Professionista Delegato alla venditaAvv. Roberto Di Virgilio (tel. 0873762002) - divirgilio.roberto@tiscali.it
Professionista Delegato alla vendita0falsefalse
CustodeAvv. Roberto Di Virgilio (tel. 0873762002)
(1) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction
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- -:In attesa di esito