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Contrada Sant'Antonio da Padova Strada Provinciale Mesagne-Torre S. Susanna, 72023 Mesagne BR
6,400.00 €
- Category : Other
- Number : 112/2022
- Court : Catania
- Lot : 21
- Auction date : 18/12/2024 09:30
Contrada Sant'Antonio da Padova Strada Provinciale Mesagne-Torre S. Susanna
Mesagne (BR)
30 foto
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Diritti di proprietà su cabina elettrica sita in Mesagne - da strada provinciale Mesagne -
Torre S. Susanna, in contrada "SANT'ANTONIO DA PADOVA" - Mesagne – 72023 – BR
(foglio 53, particella 875, are 8,18).
Lot data
Lot 21
Typology Land
Category Other
Type Immobili
Appraised value 8.000,00 €
Address Contrada Sant'Antonio da Padova, Strada Provinciale Mesagne-Torre S. Susanna - 72023 - Mesagne (BR)
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Opening of bids
18/12/2024 09:30
Auction date
18/12/2024 09:30
Price 6,400.00 €
Minimum bid 4.800,00 €
Minimum increase 1,000.00 €1,000.00 €
Bid submission deadline 17/12/2024 13:00
Auction means Part-Synchronous
10 %
Results pending
Registration deadline
17/12/2024 13:00
Category Other
Typology Land
Occupation status Libero
Surface area29 sqm
Address Contrada Sant'Antonio da Padova, Strada Provinciale Mesagne-Torre S. Susanna - 72023 - Mesagne (BR)
Description Diritti di proprietà su cabina elettrica sita in Mesagne - da strada provinciale Mesagne -
Torre S. Susanna, in contrada "SANT'ANTONIO DA PADOVA" - Mesagne – 72023 – BR
(foglio 53, particella 875, are 8,18).
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 112/2022
Typology Insolvency proceedings / bankruptcy
Number of views 356
Published on Astalegale websites 17/10/2024(1)
GiudiceDott.ssa Alessandra Bellia
CuratoreAvv. Paola La Carrubba (tel. 095509346)
(1) For insolvency procedures, publication must take place at least 30 days before the start of the competitive procedure - Art. 107 of the Bankruptcy Law
Significant events and outcomes
- -:In attesa di esito