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Via Aldo Moro 57, San Paolo d'Argon BG
8,977.20 €
- Category : Commercial Real Estate
- Number : 398/2023
- Court : Tribunale di BERGAMO
- Lot : 4
- Auction date : 21/11/2024 12:00
Via Aldo Moro 57
San Paolo d'Argon (BG)
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Unità immobiliare autorimessa, situata al piano interrato accessibile da rampa e corsello coperto.
Lot data
Lot 4
Typology Garage or vehicle storage
Category Commercial Real Estate
Type Immobili
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIAIMMOBILI
Ministerial Category Immobili
Appraised value 11.732,26 €
Valuation date 24/01/2024
Address Via Aldo Moro 57 - San Paolo d'Argon (BG) - Italia
San Paolo d'Argon
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Auction date
21/11/2024 12:00
Price 8,977.20 €
Minimum bid 6.599,40 (1)6.599,40
Minimum increase 500,00 €500,00
Bid submission deadline 20/11/2024 12:00
Auction means Asynchronous
Auction start
21/11/2024 12:00
Auction deadline
22/11/2024 15:00
Auto Extension Period
10 Minutes
Registration deadline
20/11/2024 12:00
Address N.A.
(1) Minimum bid for participation in the sale pursuant to Section 571(II) of the Code of Civil Procedure
Category Other
Typology Barns, stables, garages, vehicle parking facilities
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type Stalle, scuderie, rimesse, autorimesseSTALLE, SCUDERIE, RIMESSE, AUTORIMESSE
Occupation status LIBER
Surface area16
Plan S1
Address Via Aldo Moro 57 - San Paolo d'Argon (BG) - Italia
San Paolo d'Argon
Description Unità immobiliare autorimessa, situata al piano interrato accessibile da rampa e corsello coperto.
Cadastral data
Sheet 7
Parcel 5611
Sub-plot 30
Legal action data
Date 25/05/20092009-05-25
Number 3317
Year 2009
Procedure data
Procedure (number/year) 398/2023
Court Tribunale di BERGAMO
Number of views 534
Published on Astalegale websites 05/08/2024(1)
Published on the Public Sales Portal 26/07/2024(2)
Delegato alla venditaAndrea Denti (tel. 0350933875) (cell. 0350933875) - andrea@denti.it
Delegato alla vendita4659617DNTNDR68P25A794Rtruefalse
CustodeAndrea Denti (tel. 0350933875) (cell. 0350933875) - andrea@denti.it
(1) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction
(2) In compliance with the Ministerial Decree 5.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette. on 10.01.2018, and the subsequent publication of the technical specifications in the Official Gazette. N.16 of 20-1-2018 - full functionality of the public sales portal services
Significant events and outcomes
- 22/11/2024:AGGIUDICATA (aggiudicata al maggior offerente)22/11/2024
Personal notes
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