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Trafoi n. 4, 39029 Stelvio BZ
213,204.94 €
- Category : Commercial Real Estate
- Number : 1374/2018
- Court : Tribunale di BOLZANO
- Lot : Lotto unico
- Auction date : 25/05/2022 09:30
Trafoi n. 4
Stelvio (BZ)
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Public sale
quota intera:p.ed.459/1,P.T.510/II,C.C.Stelvio:edificio ex Pension Trafoi con pertinenze accessorie e garage,superficie commerciale: 402,60mq;p.ed.1183,C.C.Stelvio, non ancora intavolata:legnaia, superf.comm.le: 59,00 mq;p.f.2528,P.T.892/II,C.C.Stelvio: prato 1644mq;p.f.2529/1,P.T.892/II,C.C.Stelvio: prato 1190mq, bosco 310mq;p.f.2529/2,P.T.778/II,C.C.Stelvio:prato 1095mq, bosco 19mq;p.f.2541/1,P.T. 778/II,C.C.Stelvio:prato 368mq, bosco 323mq
Lot data
Typology Buildings constructed for commercial purposes
Category Commercial Real Estate
Type Immobili
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIAIMMOBILI
Ministerial Category Immobili
Appraised value 379.340,40 €
Valuation date 22/04/2021
Address Trafoi n. 4 - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
14808781303796gesamter Anteil:Bp.459/1,E.Zl.510/II, K.G.Stilfs: Gebäude ex Pension Trafoi mit Nebenanlagen u.Garage, Bruttoverkaufsfläche: 402,60m²;Bp.1183,K.G.Stilfs,noch nicht im Grundbuch eingetragen:Holzschuppen,Bruttoverkaufsfläche: 59,00m²;Gp.2528,E.Zl.892/II,K.G.Stilfs:Wiese 1644m²;Gp.2529/1,E.Zl.892/II,K.G.Stilfs:Wiese 1190m², Wald 310m²;Gp.2529/2,E.Zl.778/II,K.G.Stilfs:Wiese 1095m², Wald 19m²;Gp.2541/1,E.Zl.778/II,K.G. Stilfs: Wiese 368m², Wald 323m²
Sales data
Typology Sealed bid
Auction date
25/05/2022 09:30
Price 213,204.94 €
Minimum bid 159.903,70 (1)159.903,70
Minimum increase 2.500,00 €2.500,00
Bid submission deadline 24/05/2022 12:00
Auction means Part-Synchronous
Registration deadline
24/05/2022 12:00
Public sales
Address Trafoi n. 4 - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
(1) Minimum bid for participation in the sale pursuant to Section 571(II) of the Code of Civil Procedure
falsefalse2022-05-25T09:30:00213,204.942022-05-24T12:00:00SINCRONA MISTA
Assets included in lot
Category Other
Typology Land
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type TerrenoTERRENO
Surface area1644
Address Trafoi - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.f. 2528 in P.T. 892/II C.C. Stelvio: prato 1644mq;
- Gp. 2528 in E.Zl. 892/II K.G. Stilfs: Wiese 1644m²;
Category Other
Typology Land
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type TerrenoTERRENO
Surface area1500
Address Trafoi - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.f. 2529/1 in P.T. 892/II C.C. Stelvio: prato 1190mq, bosco 310mq;
- Gp. 2529/1 in E.Zl. 892/II K.G. Stilfs: Wiese 1190m², Wald 310m²;
Category Other
Typology Land
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type TerrenoTERRENO
Surface area1114
Address Trafoi - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.f. 2529/2 in P.T. 778/II C.C. Stelvio: prato 1095mq, bosco 19mq;
- Gp. 2529/2 in E.Zl. 778/II K.G. Stilfs: Wiese 1095m², Wald 19m²;
Category Other
Typology Hotel and bed & breakfast
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type Albergo e pensioneALBERGO E PENSIONE
Occupation status OCCUPATO
Surface area402,6
Address Trafoi n. 4 - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.ed. 459/1 in P.T. 510/II C.C. Stelvio: edificio costruito nel 1911, ristrutturato nel 1966 corrispondente ad un’attività ricettiva - ex Pension Trafoi - con pertinenze accessorie dirette e indirette e garage, superficie commerciale: 402,60 mq;
Cadastral data
Sheet 18
Parcel 459/1
Sub-plot 4
Sub-plot2 5
- Bp. 459/1 in E.Zl. 510/II K.G. Stilfs: Gebäude aus dem Jahr 1911, renoviert 1966, entspricht einem Beherbergungsbetrieb - ehemalige Pension Trafoi - mit direkten und indirekten Nebenanlagen und Garage, Bruttoverkaufsfläche: 402,60 m²;
Category Other
Typology Ad-hoc buildings
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type Edifici a destinazione particolareEDIFICI A DESTINAZIONE PARTICOLARE
Occupation status OCCUPATO
Surface area59,00
Address Trafoi - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.ed. 1183, C.C. Stelvio, non ancora intavolata: edificio in legno su un piano con tetto piano costruito prima del 1960 corrispondente ad una legnaia, superficie commerciale: 59,00 mq;
- Bp. 1183, K.G. Stilfs, noch nicht im Grundbuch eingetragen: einstöckiges Holzgebäude mit Flachdach, erbaut vor 1960, entspricht einem Holzschuppen, Bruttoverkaufsfläche: 59,00 m²;
Category Other
Typology Land
Ministerial Category Altra categoriaALTRA CATEGORIA
Ministerial Type TerrenoTERRENO
Surface area691
Address Trafoi - 39029 - Stelvio (BZ) - Italia
Description - p.f. 2541/1 in P.T. 778/II C.C. Stelvio: prato 368mq, bosco 323mq.
- Gp. 2541/1 in E.Zl. 778/II K.G. Stilfs: Wiese 368m², Wald 323m².
Procedure data
Deposit Refund RequestProcedure (number/year) 1374/2018
Court Tribunale di BOLZANO
Number of views 2250
Published on Astalegale websites 16/03/2022(1)
Published on the Public Sales Portal 16/03/2022(2)
GiudiceAlex Kuno Tarneller
Delegato alla venditaElian Reinstadler (tel. 0473232355) - reinstadler@tvzlaw.com
Delegato alla vendita3206749RNSLNE75L49F132Ctruetrue
GiudiceMichael Grossmann
(1) In compliance with the regulations art. 490 paragraph 2 c.p.c., the publications must take place at least 45 days before the deadline for the submission of offers or the date of the auction
(2) In compliance with the Ministerial Decree 5.12.2017, published in the Official Gazette. on 10.01.2018, and the subsequent publication of the technical specifications in the Official Gazette. N.16 of 20-1-2018 - full functionality of the public sales portal services
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- Frazionamento 702/2019 (< 1 Mb)
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- Estratto catastale subalterno 4 e 5 p.ed. 459/1 C.C. Stelvio (< 1 Mb)
- Estratto catastale subalterno p.ed. 1183 C.C. Stelvio e planimetria (< 1 Mb)
- Estratto catasto fondiario p.ed. 459/1, pp.ff. 2528, 2529/1, 2529/2 e 2541/1 (< 1 Mb)
- Estratto mappa catastale 1:1000 (< 1 Mb)
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- Building/Land Registry data (< 1 Mb)
- Building/Land Registry data (< 1 Mb)
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- Court order (< 1 Mb)
Personal notes
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