4 Results for  Real estate assets in the municipality of gambolò in the category residential real estate

Publication Date: Latest First

4 Results for  Real estate assets in the municipality of gambolò in the category residential real estate


Residential home

Via Fratelli Cairoli 36


  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 13/11/2024 - 16:00
  • E.c.c. 303/2023:Lotto unico
  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 13/11/2024 - 16:00
  • E.c.c. 303/2023:Lotto unico

Base price :

37,226.00 €

Minimum bid :

27.920,00 €

Base price :

37,226.00 €

Minimum bid :

27.920,00 €

13/11/2024 - 16:00

37,226.00 €


Residential home

Via Ugo Da Gambolate 12


  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 08/11/2024 - 11:00
  • C.e.j. 387/2022:Lotto unico
  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 08/11/2024 - 11:00
  • C.e.j. 387/2022:Lotto unico

Base price :

118,758.00 €

Minimum bid :

89.069,00 €

Base price :

118,758.00 €

Minimum bid :

89.069,00 €

08/11/2024 - 11:00

118,758.00 €


Residential home

Via Cairoli 6


  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 04/10/2024 - 10:15
  • C.e.j. 45/2023:Lotto unico
  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : 04/10/2024 - 10:15
  • C.e.j. 45/2023:Lotto unico

Base price :

26,835.00 €

Minimum bid :

20.130,00 €

Base price :

26,835.00 €

Minimum bid :

20.130,00 €

04/10/2024 - 10:15

26,835.00 €


Residential home

Via Fiume


  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : -
  • Bkrp 38/2022:Lot Unico
  • Court of Pavia
  • Auction date : -
  • Bkrp 38/2022:Lot Unico

Base price :

5,000.00 €

Minimum bid :


Base price :

5,000.00 €

Minimum bid :



5,000.00 €